Solem Lates
Solem Lates is a groundbreaking series of self-produced and co-produced events from the Solem Quartet. By commissioning living composers, creating unique arrangements, branching into diverse genres, and performing live music in unexpected settings, the Solem Quartet are breathing new life into the chamber music world.
For details of upcoming projects & past events, have a look below. To support us in this creative work, please visit our support page.
Solem Quartet present an ambitious six-part series of concerts, bringing together the late quartets of Beethoven and the quartets of Béla Bartók – two giants of the string quartet genre – uniquely reimagined with music from composers of today. Beethoven Bartók Now will also see a wealth of digital content and educational live events.
We are performing Beethoven Bartók Now Part I, BBN: Night Music in London on 1st July. Please join us!
From lockdown July 2020
Devised, rehearsed, performed and recorded during the coronavirus pandemic, Solem Lates: From Lockdown serves as a memoir of this time, bringing together themes of isolation, nature and separation and featuring composers from the Renaissance to the present day.
Filmed in St Giles Church Camberwell, June 2020.
The Lobster: Live 2019/20
In their second Solem Lates series, the Solem Quartet bring music specially arranged for live string quartet into the cinema, in collaboration with Picturehouse Cinemas. The quartet, with pianist Pavel Timofeyevsky perform the score for Yorgos Lanthimos’s iconic comedy The Lobster, live! Click here to find out more.
batózeyal May 2019
Our debut Solem lates show in Spring 2019 was batózeyal, featuring contemporary music for string quartet + electronics alongside Bartok’s groundbreaking 3rd Quartet. Click here to find out more.